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 Driving Miss Daisy 1989 BRRip 720p -x0r

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Driving Miss Daisy 1989 BRRip 720p -x0r Empty
PostSubject: Driving Miss Daisy 1989 BRRip 720p -x0r   Driving Miss Daisy 1989 BRRip 720p -x0r EmptyThu Apr 07, 2016 9:45 pm

Driving Miss Daisy 1989 BRRip 720p -x0r T9yy
Driving Miss Daisy 1989 BRRip 720p x264-x0r |1.77 GB

Driving Miss Daisy (1989) |Comedy / Drama / Family
An elderly Jewish widow living in Atlanta can no longer drive. Her son insists she allow him to hire a driver, which in the 1950s meant a black man. She resists any change in her life but, Hoke, the driver is hired by her son. She refuses to allow him to drive her anywhere at first, but Hoke slowly wins her over with his native good graces. The movie is directly taken from a stage play and does show it. It covers over twenty years of the pair's life together as they slowly build a relationship that transcends their differences.
Driving Miss Daisy 1989 BRRip 720p -x0r 22291652add88772fbebf42df23839a5f9a40478
Driving Miss Daisy 1989 BRRip 720p -x0r Byto
Driving Miss Daisy 1989 BRRip 720p -x0r 6dnn


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